Tag Archives: tinting with crayon

Embroidery Project – Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery, “Iron Day” Snail Embroidery Part 5

If you are new to the Snail Trail, “The Snails” are part of a master plan found in Part 1. 😉

*Find Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery Part 1 (Click Here)


“Iron Day”

DMC floss just wasn’t quite bright enough for these little shells, so the floss you see is Anchor floss to match the bright shell colors. Here’s the little snail checking out his cute little self!

The reflection marks are stitched with one strand of silvery grey floss and one strand of iridescent Krienik thread, mixed. Use lighter tone of colors than used in the main image for the for the reflection image.

Here is the main image. There is a mix of both the blue and teal thread together to outline the shell. Use just the teal thread to accent the shell. The entire piece uses stem stitch, split back stitch, back stitch, French knots, straight stitch, and satin stitch.

Yesterday, the “Clean Day” snail was made with a little “bling”. It used a blue iridescent Krienik thread mixed with the blue for the soap bubbles.

Here is yesterday’s “Clean Day” snail with the “Iron Day” snail on white…and…

here is yesterday’s “Clean Day” snail with the “Iron Day” snail on the pink background that they are destined for. They are going to be most bright, cheery and fun!

Your life needs fun. Go ahead, have some fun!

———–Helpful Information———

Find Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery Part 1 (Click Here)

Find Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery Part 2 (Click Here)

Find Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery Part 3 (Click Here)

Find Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery Part 4 (Click Here)

Find My “Tinting Fabric with Crayon” Tutorial (Click Here)

Find My Iron On Transfer Tutorial (Click Here)

Find Flickr Group Hoop Love Vintage Transfers (Click Here)

Find Yahoo!Group Hand Embroidery (Click Here)

Find Hand Embroidery Group Blog (Click Here)

Find Hand Embroidery Group Summer Creativity Challenge (Click Here)

Find Stitchy Britches Blog (Click Here)

Find Sue of Berkshire Cottage (Click Here)

Find Helen of Show Your Workings (Japanese Knot Bag Tutorial) (Click Here)


Filed under Bags/Purses, embroidery, felt, Tint with Crayon

Embroidery Project – Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery, “Clean Day” Snail Embroidery Part 4

Vintage Days of the Week Snails Embroidery… “Clean Day”

Here is a closer look at the little face…and the bubbles and brush.

DMC floss just didn’t have any really color hues ‘bright enough’ for these little snails. (Especially since they will be bordered with a very bright pink edging.) So, I visited my Local Needlework Shop, Fiddlesticks (in Hawaii) and bought some Anchor thread for these little guys. Here you can see the threads with their “shell line up”. 😉 [The shadow is a large tree out back that just won’t get out of the sun ray for the picture!]

The first snail is done.

Now…off the to the “Iron Day”!

Your life needs fun. Go ahead, have some fun!

———–Helpful Information———

Find Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery Part 1 (Click Here)

Find Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery Part 2 (Click Here)

Find Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery Part 3 (Click Here)

Find My “Tinting Fabric with Crayon” Tutorial (Click Here)

Find My Iron On Transfer Tutorial (Click Here)

Find Flickr Group Hoop Love Vintage Transfers (Click Here)

Find Yahoo!Group Hand Embroidery (Click Here)

Find Hand Embroidery Group Blog (Click Here)

Find Hand Embroidery Group Summer Creativity Challenge (Click Here)

Find Stitchy Britches Blog (Click Here)

Find Sue of Berkshire Cottage (Click Here)

Find Helen of Show Your Workings (Japanese Knot Bag Tutorial) (Click Here)



Filed under Bags/Purses, embroidery, felt, Tint with Crayon

Embroidery Project – Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery, Crayons and Color Part 3

The snails are bright and cheery!

Start by choosing some colors. For these snails, since they used in a design with neon lime green and fuchsia, they need to be bight and colorful!

Choose Colors

When I color on fabric, I hold the fabric taut with my non coloring hand. This helps to keep the fabric still while I use short, quick coloring marks to color the fabric. The fabric does get a bit ‘rearranged’, however, after a while, the waxy crayon helps to make the fabric parts ‘stick’ again to itself. It’s well coated before the ironing process.

Here’s the whole gang! The snails are a Days of the Week Vintage Embroidery Transfer. There are only 6 snails here because I am saving the 7th, “Shop Day” for the matching wallet design. 😉

Here’s what they look like apart. There is a little white for highlights on some of the pictures. They are mostly dark and the iron on design is distorted some. We can always re-iron the design back onto the fabric to bring some of the details back after the ironing process.

Here is the basic process of ironing. Place the fabric between 2 blotters. I usually use printer paper, but I thought I’d try paper towels and see if they worked just as well. After sandwiching the fabric, set the hot iron (cotton setting) down on the blotter material and let it sit until you smell the wax melting.

Here is what you should end up with. Sometimes the blotter material will be very dark with wax. As you repeat this process, the blotter will get lighter and lighter.

Let’s see how the results turned out!

Here is the Before Ironing snail picture:

Here are the After Iron snail pictures:

Successful! They are still bright and cheery and not much color has dulled in the ironing. Some of the detail is fuzzy, but we can re-iron the transfer over the ironed color to get back some of the detail before embroidering with threads.

Now, we can choose a thread palette for the happy garden pals!

Your life needs fun. Go ahead, have some fun!

*I’ve added a separate post with a “Tinting Fabric with Crayon” tutorial. There are more details there about tinting fabric with crayons.

———–Helpful Information———

Find Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery Part 1 (Click Here)

Find My Iron On Transfer Tutorial (Click Here)

Find Flickr Group Hoop Love Vintage Transfers (Click Here)

Find Yahoo!Group Hand Embroidery (Click Here)

Find Hand Embroidery Group Blog (Click Here)

Find Hand Embroidery Group Summer Creativity Challenge (Click Here)

Find Stitchy Britches Blog (Click Here)

Find Sue of Berkshire Cottage (Click Here)

Find Helen of Show Your Workings (Japanese Knot Bag Tutorial) (Click Here)


Filed under Bags/Purses, embroidery, felt, Tint with Crayon

An Award! Brillante Weblog Premio-2008!

Deepa, from “Deepa’s Home”; This and That…my random thoughts, nominated me for this award!
She says that I talk a lot, [who, me?!]…is that a good thing? But, I’m fun!
Whoo hoo! I’ve been aiming for FUN!
She also says that blogging should be informative AND Fun…so she picked me for the award!
Whoo hoo!
Whoo hoo!
I’m so excited!
Thank you so much, Deepa, for thinking of me and my fun blog for this award.
I really appreciate it! 😉
The rules for receiving this award are
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog. (Check, I’ve done it)
2. Link to the person you received your award from. (Check, I’ve done it)
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. (Check, I’ve done it)
4. Put links of those blogs on yours. (Check, I’ve done it)
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you’ve nominated. (Check, I’ve done it)
I nominate:


Filed under Awards

Embroidery Project – Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery, Ironed On Felt Part 2

I got the little snails on the white felt today! (If you didn’t see the beginnings of the snail project, I’ve listed the link(s) at the end of this post.)

Here are the snails that I found over at Flickr Group Hoop Love Vintage Transfers. I printed them with my printer, all on one page, and all on a sheet of plain printer paper. The designs are reversed so all you’ll have to do is trace this printed side with a transfer pen or pencil.

Here, you can see that the designs are sized to be 2.5″ by 3″ each.

This is the first time I’ve ever used a Sulky Iron-On Transfer Pen. I bought this one online at http://www.joggles.com. My order was completed, packaged and shipped within 1 day and I received my box via USPS Priority Mail (to Hawaii) within 3 days! I am very happy with Joggles and would recommend them to anyone looking for sewing or embroidery supplies. 😉 (I’ve already sent a second order to them…they sell felt!)

Test the pen. Follow the manufacturers directions and get the pen started. Here you see the nib mark that starts the ink along with a couple of trial scratches to see how wide and dark the lines will be. I’m impressed already!

Here are 2 snail designs traced with the Sulky Iron-On Transfer Pen.

Now, to get some fabric! The fabric can be 3″x4″, which you can see here. The ruler shows the outer edges of 3″x4″ and how the design can be centered on a fabric that size.

As I posted in Part 1, my idea was to create this in economical felt, just to prove that ANYONE can create something with embroidery, no matter what your economic spending level is. This is just a white felt rectangle bought at a craft store. There is nothing fancy about the craft felt. You can create your pieces on any fabric or felt that you’d like to try. I’d like to hear about a few trials on other fabrics.

Here are 6 little 3″x4″ rectangles of white felt to transfer the snail designs onto. Yes, the snails are a Days of Week snail set, and yes, there are 7 snails. I am saving the “Shop Day” snail design for a wallet. 😉

Here the design is ready to place on the felt fabric.

Here the transfer is design side down, centered on the felt fabric. ***I cover any exposed fabric with a thin cloth to protect the fabric from the hot iron.***

Place the hot iron (cotton setting) over the transfer. Don’t rub it around. I just let the iron sit there on top of the transfer for a while. I am usually taking pictures…lol…so I snap 4 pictures or so before I “peek” at the transfer. I would say that I leave the iron sitting like this for at least 30 seconds.

Move the iron over just a tiny bit and just “peek” at the corner of the transfer. Did the ink transfer dark enough onto the fabric? If so, you can lift the iron. If not, just put the corner back down and put the iron back onto the transfer to wait a bit longer. *I’ve never had to wait a second time yet…lol*

Here, you can see that the Sulky pen is GREAT! The transfer to the fabric is dark and very readable. I really like this pen!

I did the exact same process to get all the snails on each of their little felt rectangles. Now, yes, it’s time to get the crayons!

Your life needs fun. Go ahead, have some fun!

———–Helpful Information———

Find Small Snail Purse/Bag with Vintage Snail Embroidery Part 1 (Click Here)

Find My Iron On Transfer Tutorial (Click Here)

Find Flickr Group Hoop Love Vintage Transfers (Click Here)

Find Yahoo!Group Hand Embroidery (Click Here)

Find Hand Embroidery Group Blog (Click Here)

Find Hand Embroidery Group Summer Creativity Challenge (Click Here)

Find Stitchy Britches Blog (Click Here)

Find Sue of Berkshire Cottage (Click Here)

Find Helen of Show Your Workings (Japanese Knot Bag Tutorial) (Click Here)


Filed under Bags/Purses, embroidery, felt, Tint with Crayon